

‘SKIN’ launch Party @ 180 The Strand

Commisioned by Bluman Associates

The Main Event Was A Fully 3D Interactive Projection Mapped Dance Perforamce.

“No biggy then”

For this project Lewis fully intergrated with long time collaborator Bluman Associates.
He lead the content creation team and worked closely with Swatch’s gency HarrimanSteel.

From art direction to previz to software intergration and animation, Lewis was in the mix and in his element.

It was an ambitious project with the shortest of turnarounds, nonetheless the whole team from HarrimanSteel and Bluman Associates pulled together and nailed it flawlessly and without compromise. 

The Stage Obelisk was UV mapped and then lit via Notch Lighing effects

A XBOX Kinect Camera was interageted into the live performance via Notch’s incrediably powerful yet simple built in tools.

We then used the Kinect Data to create a 3d Mesh of the performers and generated a live 3D fluid based particle systems. 

We also created a second kinect look based on a combination of the 3D data and 2d video data to drive a more ethereal and colourful voxel look. 

We built custom effects blocks in Notch to generate live effects from pre-baked video files. In this case a simple luma matte of three dots was created to track the dancers postions.

This video file could then be replaced with out effecting the finial design. this work flow not only saved us hours of render time but allowed us to divide up simple tasks in our production pipeline. incressing the effectivness of our time in rehearsals.

P&N Services

  • Art Direction  [ Internal  & Client facing ]

  • Previsualization & Graphic Design Development

  • C4D and Aftereffects Project Lead

  • Onsite Reheasals - Content Production management

  • Notch FX intergration - [ Buidling of custom Generative effects blocks ]

  • D3 - Creative Sequencing 
